Andrew Charlton is an economist, author and former adviser to the Australian PM who, after a transition in power at Parliament, has been working n the corporate offices at Wesfarmers. And evidently, the economist who was once named Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum is contributing to the rise in profitability for the conglomerate.
By placing a heavy emphasis on the problem division and helping make essential changes in their programs, Wesfarmers is proud to say that their revenue in those departments was up 3.5 percent in the third quarter.
Andrew Charlton is known for his business and economic knowledge; and served as a pivotal member of Kevin Rudd’s advisory team, helping represent the country at global events such as the G20 Leaders Forum and the United Nations Copenhagen Climate Conference. His ideas of climate pragmatism, fair trade policies and increased trade potential have been shared with thousands via nuncupative statements at events and on television interviews as well as throughout his books and quarterly essays. His most recent publication was Dragon’s Tail: The Lucky Country After the China Boom. This quarterly essay talks about China’s blossoming economy, which happened 100 times faster and on a scale 1000 times larger than the British Industrial Revolution. The essay goes on to explain how Australia not only benefitted from this growth, but also helped supplement it.
Andrew Charlton’s ideas in economics continue to show considerable results, even in the private sector.
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